Wednesday, July 22, 2009

An Army of of David

21st century society challegnes people to be a being multi skilled, diverse, knowledge, creative and unique to achieve sucess in their own ways. By using technology, they could be closed to reach at the request. Technology has moved toward much faster, elaborative, smaller, cheaper and more powerful to our lives than people can expect. Also, technology in our lives has been inevitable and diverse in many different ways such as the military, education, comminity,
science, politic or music, in every where. It has been considered as a very useful, effective, and beneficial tool to accomplish a project in the ways. The book " An Army of David" introduces how technology has been applied to poeple's live and what has happened and what kind of potential power would happen to the future from the past. Moverever, technology is an important way to empower ordinary people to raise their voice up against big organizations.
I came from different culture so that some ideas and ways which the author approached througout the book are interesting and surprising to me. Even though it is not sure how well I understand the intention of the authour, I think one of things the author wants to tell is to suggest people to be ready to know changing technology in society and how it empower and influence people in changes. In this point of vies, reading the book "An Army of David" makes me to realize what is going on the real world with rapidly changing technology and how powerful technology is in our lives. I really agree that techology helpes many people to get their own ways and make it easier to do many kinds differents jobs as well. Therefore, it seems be good warning for me to be aware of the changes coming in my future, Also, there some things I have not noticed changes in technology, but there are much more that I like and
agree in the boook.

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